Change Visitor Visa to Study Permit inside Canada

Change status inside Canada

Change status inside Canada
Change status inside Canada

Change status inside Canada

It is very common to see foreign nationals in Canada with different temporary status wishing to change them. There could be a variety of cases motivating immigrants to pursue a change, especially given that all temporary immigration status have conditions that limit people’s ability to do certain things. For instance, a foreign national holding a visitor visa cannot study or work. Similarly, an international student oftentimes has multiple restrictions in the amount of hours and type of work they can do while studying, if they are eligible to work at all. 

Most of the time, foreign nationals will be able to apply for a change of status, however, there are different steps that will be required to do so. These steps vary depending on the actual current status of the applicant and the requirements of the new status they want to acquire. In order to be successful at this, applicants should first fully understand the conditions and limitations of their current immigration status. For example, if a visitor wants to change their status to a work permit, they cannot work until the permit arrives and they do not benefit from implied status while waiting for processing. It is therefore important not to confuse an extension of status with a change of status. The first one will normally provide implied status when processing takes longer than the expiry of the current immigration status. On the contrary, a change of status requires the applicant to make sure not to lose their current status while waiting for the application to be processed. This only applies if the application is filed within Canada. 

Another important consideration is to make sure the foreign national meets all the eligibility requirements for the new status they want to pursue. For instance, if a temporary worker in Canada decides to go back to school, he or she will need to have an acceptance letter from a designated learning institution. This is a preliminary step towards changing their status as an international student. In contrast, if an international student wants to become a worker, they will probably need an offer of employment supported by an LMIA or LMIA-exempt as a requisite to apply. 

As long as the applicant has valid legal status in Canada, regardless of their status, they can remain in the country while waiting for the application to be approved. Once a positive response arrives while the applicant is in Canada, the person may have to leave and re-enter the country in order to validate their new immigration status. For instance, even though visitors can physically remain in Canada while waiting for the new application to be approved, the application itself is being processed by an office outside of Canada. In-Canada applicants should therefore evaluate if the best option for them is to file for a change of status within the country, which will be described in details below. There are certain applications that could take longer than expected and it is key for them not to let their current immigration status expire while waiting for a response.


Change status inside Canada

Not everyone’s immigration journey is straightforward. Some people come as visitors and end up applying for a study permit. Most people apply for a post graduation work permit after graduation. Others come to Canada for a working holiday and later realize that they need more points to be able to immigrate, so they go back to school. All in all, there are many reasons one can decide to change the conditions of their stay in Canada.

Overall, an application to change status in Canada is not much different from any other application. You need to provide documents that demonstrate your eligibility, pay the fees, and wait for the decision. However, when you try to change visa status inside Canada, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

First of all, make sure you’re actually eligible to apply. For example, not everyone can change status from visitor to student inside Canada and there are some work permits that cannot be extended. For example, if you are on a working holiday visa, in general, you can only extend your stay as a worker if you switch to a different kind of work permit. So fill out the come to Canada tool to establish your eligibility.

Secondly, you have to submit the application while you are in status. Even if you apply just one day after your immigration document expires, you will need to fill out an application to restore your status. This also means you don’t get to enjoy the benefits of having implied status – e.g., eligible students can start working as soon as they apply for the post graduate work permit. With few exceptions for minor children, if you apply late, you have to stop working or studying and wait for your application to be processed. Never work or study when you don’t have authorization to do so – it is illegal, it can affect your future applications, and you might be removed from Canada because of it.

Next, you need to apply in advance to ensure you can start your new activity as planned. Sometimes applications take a few months to be processed, and there’s very little you can do to speed them up. You will also lose implied status if you leave Canada after your old permit expires and before the new one is issued – so plan ahead in order to avoid disappointment.

You might also need to reapply for biometrics or redo your medical exam – make sure you monitor your profile and sign up for email notifications to avoid missing an important deadline.

Once you establish that you are eligible to change status and you have a valid immigration document, search for an instruction guide that fits your situation. immigration, refugee and citizenship Canada (IRCC Canada) have very detailed instructions for applicants looking to change status, and you will also get a document checklist when you put your information into the online application system.

You can find the guide on how to change status in Canada to student/worker by searching the immigration Canada website. Make sure you double-check your documents before submitting them – your application will be returned if it’s incomplete, even if it’s just missing a signature. Many forms also have a “validate” button, and you need to press it whenever you make changes to the document. Saving the document won’t validate it, so you need to make sure you don’t miss this important step. Finally, remember that you can also upload additional supporting documents if you feel like they make your case stronger, use the “client information” section for that purpose.

All in all, as you can see, change status inside Canada is not too different from a regular application. The important things to keep in mind are your eligibility, applying while you’re in status, and taking extra care to make sure the application is complete and submitted well in advance. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it – contact our team of registered immigration consultants for assistance with your case.

Change status inside Canada
Change status inside Canada

Change status inside Canada

Already in Canada and you’d like to change  status inside Canada to “student”? Or, maybe, you’re planning to come as a visitor and decide what to do later? There’s something you should know.

Applying for a study permit inside Canada is not very straightforward simply because not everyone can apply.

You might be eligible to apply for a study permit without leaving Canada if:

  • You or your family member already have a valid study or work permit.
  • you’re a minor attending primary or secondary school
  • you’re an exchange student or visiting student
  • you completed a short-term course required to be accepted at an educational institution where you’d like to study. This is usually a short-term English course.
  • you or your spouse, common-law partner or dependent child has a temporary resident permit (TRP) valid for 6 months or more
  • you got sponsorship to immigrate and you already applied for permanent residence (if you’re eligible of course)
  • you or your spouse, common-law partner or dependent child are subject to an unenforceable removal order, e.g. they are a refugee claimant.

You can find the complete list of who can apply for a study permit inside Canada or change status inside Canada on the IRCC website and decide if you are someone who can apply for new study permit inside Canada. Remember that your application form for study permit made inside Canada has to show you have sufficient funds to support yourself during studies, pay tuition, and you have strong ties to your home country. If you are changing your status after completing a course that is a pre-requisite for your program of studies, your application has to express it very clearly. Your educational institution has to be listed as a Designated Learning Institution in order for you to qualify for a study permit. If you plan to work in Canada after your studies, make sure studying at your institution will enable you to apply for a post graduate work permit.

Change status inside Canada
Change status inside Canada

Change status inside Canada

However, even if you find out that none of the exceptions to submit a study permit application within Canada apply to you, you still have options. You will have to leave Canada and come back once your application is approved. Canadian Border Service Agency have entry controls, and they plan to introduce exit controls in no time. Putting false information into your application is called misrepresentation. If CBSA find out you committed misrepresentation, you will lose your status and be banned from Canada for 5 years. So, it’s important to be truthful in your application to ensure that an attempt to cut corners does not ruin your plans to move to Canada for your studies.

However, even if you’re someone who committed misrepresentation, you might be able to return to Canada in less than 5 years. Contact a lawyer or an immigration consultant to find out if there’s a remedy to your situation.

Canada is one of the best and popular destination for international students from all over the world. Many students come to Canada on visitor visas for short-term language programs hoping to improve their English for work, academia, or personal interest. The visitor visa allows you to stay in Canada for a maximum of 6 months. You can also enroll in programs that are shorter than 6 months. If you wish to stay longer than 6 months, you must apply for a visa extension. In addition, if you wish to enroll in a program that is longer than 6 months, you must apply to change your status from visitor to student.

A study permit is a document which gives foreign nationals permission to study at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada. When you are looking at schools, you must choose a school that is listed as a DLI. You can go here to find out if the school of your choice is a designated learning institution. The application fee for the study permit is $150 CAD and the processing time will depend on where you are applying from. You can go here to check for the processing times by application and country. 

Change status inside Canada
Change status inside Canada

In order to change your status innside Canada, you must include an conditional letter of acceptance from a DLI with transcripts from the short-term language program, tuition receipts, proof of financial support, digital photo, etc. If you are still in the process of completing your English studies, you can apply with a conditional letter of acceptance. A conditional letter of acceptance from a DLI means that they will accept you in the program if you complete the pre-requisite English program you are currently enrolled in. It is important to be transparent about your situation and be truthful for your reasons of staying in Canada as a student. 

For your financial support, many students have a financial sponsor to support them during their stay in Canada. The financial sponsor is responsible for the student’s tuition as well as living expenses incurred during his stay in Canada. To prove you have sufficient funds to support your stay, you should include bank statements, tuition receipts, sponsor letter (if applicable), etc. In your account, you should have the estimated amount needed for your first year of studies + living expenses. For example, if your tuition fee is 12, 000 CAD with an estimate of 10, 000 CAD for living expenses, you should have a total amount of 22, 000 CAD. Each university or college has their own tuition estimator tools or accommodation fee estimates for their international students. I highly recommend you to refer to the school’s website for more information or talk to student services if you have any questions or concerns. Many schools also offer information about visa applications or can give you some advice regarding your situation. 

If your visitor visa is about to expire, you must apply to extend your visa first! If you are just starting your studies at the short-term language school, the process to change your status may take as long as 6 months! That is why you must make sure you have a valid visitor visa when you apply. Once your visitor status expires and you are also not valid to restore your status, you must go back to your home country and reapply from overseas. 

When you entered Canada, the officer should have stamped your passport visa page with an entry stamp that tells you the date you entered Canada. Your status will expire 6 months from the date of entry. Always be aware of your entry and expiry dates when travelling to another country. 

A tip if you are looking to come to Canada for a short-term English program:

  • Do your research and be ready and  prepared to change your plans! 

Even though your initial plan was to study for 3 months and go home, have a plan B just in case you change your mind. Obtaining documents from another country is always a time consuming and tedious task. If your plan B is to continue your studies, I highly recommend saving digital copies of your transcripts to your computer, google drive, or cloud. This way if you do decide to continue your studies at a DLI, you will have easy access to your documents. 

Whether you require assistance in visa extension, restoration of status, or changing your status, we are here to help! Please reach out to one of our licensed immigration consultants for additional assistance. We also have experience in admissions if you would like to inquire about designated learning institutions in Canada.

Finally, studying in Canada can be the best investment in your future career and immigration to Canada. Immigration gets more and more competitive each year and studying in Canada can significantly improve your language skills, provide you with work experience, and award you with extra points for your immigration application. Canadian immigration laws and policies also allow students to work during their studies. With the right program, you might even be able to work full-time! Our firm specializes on study permits and matching students with programs that are a perfect fit for their budget and immigration goals. Contact our team of registered immigration consultants so that your immigration goals can become reality.




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