Super Visa

Super Visa

Super Visa
Super Visa

Super Visa  (Visit your children and grandchildren)

It is always heartbreaking to be away from our family, especially our children. Today’s society makes it easy for people to travel across the world for better opportunities, education, and new starts. When we leave and start anew, it is always very exciting to see what is in front of us and we often forget the people we’ve left behind to pursue our goals. These people could be friends, siblings, parents, and grandparents. Luckily, Canada has something called “super visa”. This super visa is different from other visitor visas in the sense that it is only available to your parents and grandparents. We all know the discomfort long flights can bring, especially for people who are older. Instead of being limited to a 6 month stay, super visa holders are allowed to stay in Canada for up to 2 years! Isn’t that amazing?! It is also a multi-entry visa that can be used up to 10 years.

The super visa application process changes depending on where your parents/grandparents are located. You can check the processing times by going here

Now, let’s look at the eligibility criteria. To help your parents/grandparents apply for their super visa, you must be a permanent resident or Canadian citizen. Like any visitor visa application, financial information is crucial. Not only will you write a letter of invitation for your parents/grandparents, you will also provide a signed letter stating that you will be financially supporting their stay. The necessary income you need to prove to have will also depend on the total number of people who will be living under the same roof as you. Please go here to see detailed income requirements.


Super Visa
Super Visa

Super Visa ( How to Apply)

In addition to financial support, medical care is also an important factor. You must find medical insurance for your parents/grandparents with a coverage of at least $100,000 CAD. It may all seem like a very huge expense; however, I believe your parents/grandparents have given you so much more. Let’s be appreciative and spend some precious time with them.

As mentioned above, medical care is important. Therefore, a medical exam is also necessary to determine your parents/grandparents’ health condition. Once your parents/grandparents have good health results and the necessary documents, they are ready to apply for their super visa!

When you apply, I highly recommend submitting your application online. This will save you money on courier fees and give you a peace of mind. Submitting paper applications may leave you feeling anxious, not knowing the status of your application. If you apply online, you can receive direct messages from CIC and check for your application status on a daily basis. The application fee for the super visa is $100 CAD plus $85 CAD per person, if biometrics is needed.

However, if you decided to apply by paper, there is a way to link your paper application online.

You can go to the link below for specific steps on how to link your application.


Finally, keep in mind that you can only apply for super visas from outside of Canada. Also, if your application were to be refused, do not despair. Your parents/grandparents will still be able to apply for a visitor visa with a maximum stay of up to 6 months. If they wish to stay longer, they can also apply for an extension. Whichever the case may be, I hope you can spend some time with your family and thank them for the years of support they’ve given. If you are still unsure and would like more information or assistance in your application, reach out to one of our licensed immigration consultants. We are here for you.



SmartImmigrant ( Super Visa)

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